Hot rooms are unpleasant and can lead to sleepless nights. Here are a few tips to help if your AC is not up to the task.

Make An Appointment For An Inspection.

Your cooling system will benefit from a tune-up to ensure optimum performance and reliability.

An air conditioner that hasn’t been serviced will have to work harder and longer to provide the same comfort level of comfort, lower its performance, and raise your energy bills.

Some industry studies suggest that dirt is the root cause of 80% of all problems with heating and cooling equipment. If your coils have never been cleaned, now is the time.

Don’t Mess With Thermostat.

The energy companies are very quick to ask people to use programmable thermostats and “set them back” while at work, or while sleeping in order to use less electricity. If you have a properly sized system that is running well, that’s a great idea and can save you money.

If your system is in poor shape, or under sized, that is just going to leave you hot. If your system is barely keeping up as it is, then when you leave it off all day, come home and turn it to 70 degrees, it might run until midnight just to catch up. A system in very poor shape may not catch up at all.

Now the power company has to power your system almost non-stop from 2PM - 7PM which is called “Peak” instead of what they actually wanted, AND… You are hot… AND… you are paying PEAK RATES!!!

If your system is struggling, just set it to the temperature you are comfortable at and get it checked out by a professional who cares. If it can’t keep up, they may be able to help, or it may be time to upgrade.

Keep The Drapes Drawn.

Natural light will help you save money on lighting, but it’s best to keep the curtains closed during the day if no one is in the area. This is particularly true for homes with windows on the east or west sides.

Keeping the sun’s direct rays out of your home reduces the amount of work the air conditioner has to put in to keep the house cool.

Apart from these are a few more ways to help keep cool

  • Reverse ceiling fan
  • Cover windows
  • Add a room dehumidifier
  • Open windows at night
  • Start a cross-breeze
  • Limit hot appliances
  • Sleep on a lower floor
  • Close unused rooms
  • Turn off lights
  • Install window AC unit